Monday 2 April 2012

"this too shall pass" is a lie..i don't think anything can pass if u don't let go..and even if does for a little while it still comes back in some way or the other. yes "time" does pass by but sometimes it scars us in ways we are unfamiliar with..and these scars reside within us in form of memories.which is the most powerful yet intangible thing i,technically "this" never really passes or goes away. and "this" varies from people to people..."this" that im going through right now is undoubtedly the most difficult situation ive ever had to face and i doubt whether "this" too shall pass for father,the person who i love unconditionally ,is suffering from a malignant tumor which is eroding this spinal cord rapidly every minute of every single day passing by.not only does this sort of tumor makes one loose mind with pain but also causes lower body paralysis,which makes the effected physically handicapped for whatever time stigmatizes everything..seeing him,who is not only my father,but my closest friend,my mentor,my everything..die everyday, makes me feel helpless beyond anything imaginable..remembering him as a strong headed, sensitive, eloquent and Independent individual makes me only think about how vulnerable we are as and yet unable.

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