Saturday 14 April 2012

war is beautiful... I wanted to approach the idea in a more complicated and challenging way. I think it’s the idea of the sublime—moments that are horrific but, at the same time, beautiful— moments of communion with the landscape and nature. And it’s that beauty i want to embrace. And it’s meant to be. War is an inextricable part of the history of high civilization; I think it’s here to stay...if we look at it through a different lenses We might see it; infact we sense it. And yet, it eludes us: the conflict of heaven and earth crashing together on this glorious battlefield, a playground of bruised and battered dreams — all in a climax of grace and redemption.Maybe our vision is clouded by cannon smoke. Maybe our wounds are more than cruel scars. Maybe the War is, in fact, a and my class mates explored our story of war t NCA ground.which not only re defined war for us but open our eyes to new possibilities

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